Alanis Morissette and Jimmy Fallon performed in disguise on the NYC subway, where they sung 'You Oughta Know' and 'The Little Drummer Boy' to a surprised audience.“Yeah well, fuck you!” You screamed before hanging up, slamming your phone down and. BTS Reacts To You Cursing In English Tae: You had just gotten into a argument over the phone with your best friend.20, and Messenger From Facebook, Instagram and TinyTAN teamed up on a custom chat experience for fans worldwide. K-pop superstars BTS are set to release new album BE Nov.The audience, as Jimin instructed, go silent as you come up behind him and cover his eyes and sing. V: Yes you’re my only girl, you’re the best. Audience: I want to know about your day, I want to become your sighs.
V *singing*: Yes you’re my only girl, you’re the best.